
Our story

From its origin, IMAGEENS was plunged in international DeepTech. Founded in 2017, IMAGEENS was created to build market-ready medical image processing software based on DeepTech technologies built over 10 years of technical and clinical research from world-class research institutions such as Sorbonne Université (Laboratoire d’Imagerie Biomédicale), the AP-HP (Pitié Salpêtrière), and Johns Hopkins.

Since its inception, IMAGEENS has demonstrated its ability to leverage advanced AI to build cutting-edge medical software. This innovation has been recognized through several prestigious French innovation competitions (ILAB, PIA, PIA Leader, INSERM Innovation Prize) and multiple innovation labels (Jeune Entreprise Innovante (JEI) and Startup DeepTech).

Today, IMAGEENS is a spearhead company in the rapidly growing field of AI in cardiovascular health and medical imaging. IMAGEENS has the world’s most clinically validated technology to analyze arterial function by MRI, and is deploying this technology in combination with other AI components to revolutionize treatment decisions in cardiovascular health and beyond.